Sunday, June 22, 2014

That Time the GOP Answered the Question, Hot or Not?

Buzzfeed has some pretty impressive scanned pages of Spy magazine up right now, showing an issue in 1995 that has the answers of GOP party members on whether or not they believed the First Lady of the United States to be "hot." 


At least I can say that we came a long way, right? Who am I kidding? I could do a quick search and pull up a ton of disheartening instances where female candidates from both parties are sexualized, and criticized solely for their appearance, but I don't want to find myself going down a depressive rabbit hole. I mean, I know that this is a satirical magazine, but when will all of this focus on female candidates' appearances go away? I don't care if Hillary is hot. I don't care if Sarah Palin is hot. Do you know what I care about? Their politics, their voting records, their stances on gun legislation and foreign relations, how they plan on handling the economy, what they think about women's reproductive rights. 

The only time I have ever heard a male candidate's physique discussed was Chris Christie, and that was in relation to a statement he had specifically said about losing weight before he wanted to run for president. So maybe, just maybe, if we do have any female candidates this election cycle, we can forego the discussion of cellulite, clothing, hair styles, makeup choices, and "hotness," and instead, focus on the issues. 

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