Thursday, May 8, 2014

A Thesis & a Baby

This has been a pretty busy year for me so far. I had a baby in January, my husband and I are buying a house, and I just turned in my final copy of my thesis for my MFA. Since I've accomplished so much in just these past four months, I'm inclined to give myself a nice little pat on the back. Instead, I'm spending my evenings trying to figure out what's next (while packing, bedding down the munchkin, and trying to keep some order in the house).

I could continue on with school. I have, in fact, put in an application to Drexel University for an MS in Library Sciences. I'm very keen on continuing my education, both from a practical viewpoint (this degree could easily qualify me for a whole slew of other jobs, as well as defer my student loan payments and put me on a track for a pretty neat career), and from a philosophical viewpoint (I love learning new things). That being said, I'm not sure it's a good idea right now. Motherhood has sort of warped my world-view, and not necessarily in a bad way. I'm thinking about munchkin now, too, and how I want to spend time with her. School might inhibit my ability to focus on all of the milestones ahead, and before I make a commitment to another degree, I want to make sure it's the right thing for me (and for us).

I'm also trying my hand at adjuncting. I've put out a few applications, and I know I'd really love to teach again. I haven't taught on a professional level yet, just a few seminars and workshops, but I'd love a regular gig where I get to engage others on the topics of literature and language.

And of course, there's trying to get published. My novel is still a ways away from being shopable for agents. I'm waiting for the final word from my readers that I've passed, but I know I'll get some great feedback that I'll likely want to incorporate into another draft. Heck, I may even want to shelf it for a few months and give myself some distance. I'm at the point now where every time I read it I feel like I'm going blind. I have started submitting to smaller publications and more online venues as well. I just got the word that an essay I penned will be published on Scary Mommy later this month. I'm writing shorter pieces, essays and fiction, and I'm hoping to get my stuff out there.

I still have a ton going on, but with school winding down, and this new chapter of my life beginning, I can't help but feel a little scared by my lack of commitments. It's been a while since I didn't have a looming deadline, and I'm not sure if I can get used to the feeling.

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